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The access to the database is restricted to staff members of the European Union institutions only (the European Commission, the European External Action Service, the EU Delegations and any other EU service).

To register, please click on one of the five icons below, to request the creation of an account. You will receive your username and password shortly after.

Database - Activities

In the section ‘Activities’ of the database, you can find best practices examples of cultural diplomacy and international cultural relations projects implemented by European organisations in the ten Strategic Partners of the EU.

Database - Tools

In the section ‘Tools’, you can find examples of cultural diplomacy and international cultural relations tools. These tools are programmes, guides, grants and funds designed primarily for civil society audiences, and meant to support these audiences in the implementation of their projects.

Database - Stakeholders Directory

In the section ‘Stakeholders-Directory’, you can find the names and contact details of organisations working in the field of cultural diplomacy and international cultural relations, in or with the ten Strategic Partners of the EU.

Online Courses

In the section ‘Online Courses’, you can find video courses relevant to the field of cultural diplomacy and international cultural relations.

European Film Festivals

This section contains the material related to the repository of films which are available for delegations. Download posters, photos, trailers, interviews, graphic elements and branding material for your European film festival.